Sunday, August 1, 2010

Life's a Beach

Today we took a trip to Seaside Heights, NJ aka "The Shore."  We were going there before the world heard of Snookie, Pauly D & The Situation.  If you have no idea who I am referring to, you must be living under a rock.

Kenny won Ellie a teddy bear out of a grab machine.

Kenny is the perfect picture of teenage angst. Dressed head to toe in black on a beach.  His godson doesn't seem to mind though!

Charlie showing Daddy the sand... that he also stuck in his mouth. Clearly, sand in his mouth doesn't bother him.

Ellie in her cool shades.

Ellie & her "tail fin" that Daddy is sculpting. She <3's mermaids!

Can you spot Chris, Ellie & Charlie in the picture above?

Ellie on the first round of the carousel. It goes a lot faster than the one at the zoo, so she was a little hesitant at first.

At fairs/boardwalks/anywhere-cotton-candy-is-available Ellie always insists on getting it... but she doesn't eat it. We gave in to her because we were on the boardwalk after all! Note to self, next time save your $3...

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